
Archiv: Tag „chiptune“


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Stu – Insane Level

Aus dem kostenlosen Album Seven der YM Rockerz.

“The YM Rockerz collective represents the cream of the Atari ST chiptune scene’s musicians. After six genuinely landmark releases to the demoscene, YM Rockerz music disks have become an eagerly anticipated event. This unique seventh release is being carried out in conjunction with 8bitpeoples, and includes high quality soundchip recordings on the 8bitpeoples site, together with a specially created demoscene music disk release on the YM Rockerz own homepage.”

Da vibriert die Hüfte, meine Freunde. (…)

The Dark Side of the Moon – The 8-bit Album

“Although attempted numerous times before, Pterodactyl Squad have finally done the original album justice with the definitive 8-bit interpretation of Pink Floyd’s progressive rock classic. Produced as an 8-bit mirror of the original, the music on this release was created using sounds from various old games consoles including the Sega Mega Drive and Nintendo Game Boy.”

(via) (…)