- FMtownsmarty ist besessen von alten japanischen Videospielen "Die Grenze zwischen Ekel und Eleganz wird genussvoll überschritten."
- Google Feud "Google Feud is a web game based on the Google API. We select the questions, then the results are pulled instantly from Google's autocomplete. Beware, certain results may be offensive and/or incomprehensible."
- Brianna Wu vs. the Gamergate Troll Army "She set out to transform the video gaming industry by creating a hit game aimed at female players. Then came Gamergate. And the harassment. And the death threats."
- JTetris \o/
- Scissors Bros "Fast and Stupid Shaving Action!"
- Hinter den Kulissen von GOG.com – Jäger der verlorenen Spiele "Die Download-Plattform GOG.com ist seit Jahren ein Geheimtipp für Fans klassischer Spiele. Jetzt startet die Webseite auch auf Deutsch, und das Angebot umfasst immer mehr aktuelle Titel – alle DRM-frei.
- Kickstarter Game Progress $$$
- Retrozirkel #66: Loom “Ask me about Loom!”
- Lantern "Lantern is a short vignette game about a woman visiting a place where she once lived, looking for the one person who remembers her."
- A detailed look at ibb & obb’s PC sales results for 2014 $$$
- I’m Brianna Wu, And I’m Risking My Life Standing Up To Gamergate "The truth is, all of these institutions don't care about women or the harassment we face in our lives and careers."
- Die bewundernswerte Kunst der Fan-Remakes "Fan-Remakes sind letztlich Mammutprojekte mit ungewissem Ausgang – ob die jahrelange, unbezahlte Arbeit nicht in letzter Sekunde übereifrigen Anwälten zum Opfer fällt, kann niemand der Beteiligten vorhersagen."
- Raspberry Pi 2 unveiled "A new budget-priced Raspberry Pi computer has been unveiled, offering child coders and others a faster processor and more memory than before, but at about the same price."
- Not Everything is Flammable "NEIF is a 2D platformer where you are the flame and your goal is to cause as much property damage as possible, but not everything is flammable! Burn through houses, suburban towns, major cities and the once peaceful countryside as you slowly unravel your motivations behind the destructive fury."
- My awesome trip through a free archive of ‘classic’ computer games "For the ‘millennial’ generation, remembering the past is such an effort, but if it contains games like Tongue of the Fatman, it may be worth it."
- Is ‘SimCity’ Homelessness a Bug or a Feature? "SimCity players have discussed a variety of creative strategies for their virtual homelessness problem.
- All The Way Down "A lovecraftian adventure set in rural Yorkshire, England."
- Until I Have You "A story-driven platformer set in the cyberpunkiest future, we could ever think of."
- Skullz "A trippy Adventure, quite unlike anything you've ever seen, probably."
- Quake on an oscilloscope: A technical report Peng, peng!
- TOUR BUENO "9 Countries, 11 Citys, 11 Indies, 11 48h Gamejams, 11 Documentary episodes and all this in 7 weeks. (It’s gonna be crazy.)"
- Five Feminist Moments in the History of Video Games "More often than not, women in games are sexual objects, damsels in distress, or disposable murder victims whose deaths provide motivation for brooding male heroes.
- ‘Asteroids’ and The Dawn of the Gamer Age "In the early ‘80’s, a video game emerged that caused grown men to become weak addicts—and Esquire set out to capture the Asteroids craze."
- TRON "The classic arcade game TRON implemented in JavaScript"
- Games: Videospiele sind voller Wurmfortsätze "Früher war alles besser, finden viele Spielefans: Games waren schwieriger, reduzierter.